TRHT-Focused Campus Climate Toolkit

2:45 pm – 3:45 pm

It is becoming commonplace for colleges and universities to conduct campus climate assessments to get a sense of the experiences, sentiments, and needs of their respective campus community, yet they are often challenged when it comes to translating the results of these assessments into informed, sustainable, and transformative change. The purpose of the Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation (TRHT) Campus Climate Assessment Toolkit is to complement existing campus climate assessment tools and to support a more in-depth and action-oriented process. Please join this workshop to learn how the toolkit is structured around six key content areas, which were informed by feedback from the campus teams involved in the toolkit development, feedback and beta-testing process.

Target Audience: Intermediate and Advanced

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Please ensure you have your microphone off, and all other devices turned off so you are 100% engaged. Having your camera on to engage with the presenter is also a good practice. Thank you for attending this session!


Michele Guzman

Tia Brown McNair

Taylor Jackson