Otterbein University and Austin Community Presents: Student Leadership Development Through the TRHT Lens

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

Join TRHT family from Otterbein University and Austin Community College for this exciting session! This session will highlight and provide insight on each institution’s strategic efforts to involve undergraduate student affinity groups, and students in leadership positions on campus in their respective institutional Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation work.

Target Audience: All levels of expertise

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Zoom passcode (if needed): 133871

You will be sent to a Zoom waiting room. Please wait until it is time to start to get admitted.
The sessions will be recorded, and the recordings will be sent after the Institute is finished, by email.

Please ensure you have your microphone off, and all other devices turned off so you are 100% engaged. Having your camera on to engage with the presenter is also a good practice. Thank you for attending this session!


Dr. Khayree O. Williams & Dr. Frank Dobson