1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
In an era of increasing societal polarization, aligning institutional missions with inclusive and transformative frameworks like the Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation (TRHT) effort is both challenging and essential. Emory University’s TRHT Campus Center, launched in July 2023, has embarked on an exploratory journey to understand the university’s climate, culture, and environment. This journey has informed the development of an integrated approach, “A Journey to Healing for One Emory.” This interactive workshop is designed to equip participants with strategies and best practices for harmonizing the TRHT framework with their institutional mission, even in a divided social climate. Participants will engage in a blend of presentations, interactive discussions, role-playing exercises, and collaborative activities. The workshop provides a supportive space for sharing experiences, discussing challenges, and developing actionable strategies for creating inclusive and transformative institutional environments.
Target Audience: All levels of expertise
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