Integrating TRHT institutional strategic planning

2:45 pm – 3:45 pm

The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa is in its 7th year as a TRHT Campus Center and has integrated the TRHT framework into the campus strategic plan, laying the foundation for a campus-wide scaling of their work.  The TRHT framework is being used to reflect on the wisdom of the deeply rooted Indigenous and place-based knowledges, practices, and values that now guide the campus via the strategic plan. In this process, the community had to find strategies to communicate this Indigenous wisdom in ways that could be received by a predominantly non-Indigenous institution. Thus, this workshop will provide participants of intermediate and advanced understanding the opportunity to listen to some of the stories and journey of UH Mānoa while also engaging in a process that will allow them to reflect and imagine various possible scenarios that they might choose to further explore at their own institutions for their own planning purposes.

Target Audience: All levels of expertise

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Kaiwipuni Lipe