Integrating TRHT in Service Learning

2:45 pm – 3:45 pm

The TRHT Campus Center at George Mason has implemented a series of service-learning programs that apply the TRHT framework. The workshop will serve as a guide to new and aspiring TRHT Campus Centers on ways in which one can leverage collaborative relationships to integrate TRHT Frameworks into the curriculum. The workshop will feature multiple practical applications of the TRHT Framework into curricula through collaborations between student affairs and academic departments, with an emphasis on experiential learning and student development,students are able to experience narrative change and relationship building.

Target Audience: Beginner and Intermediate

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The sessions will be recorded, and the recordings will be sent after the Institute is finished, by email.

Please ensure you have your microphone off, and all other devices turned off so you are 100% engaged. Having your camera on to engage with the presenter is also a good practice. Thank you for attending this session!


Creston Lynch