2:45 pm – 3:45 pm
1. Building Bridges: Fundraising Strategies for Truth, Racial Healing, and
Transformation Centers
Nathan Carter
In this session, participants will embark on a journey to gain practical strategies and insights for successful fundraising for Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation (TRHT) Centers. The main topics include (1) Understanding General Fundraising Dynamics; (2) Fostering Meaningful Connections with Donors & Partners; (3) Crafting Persuasive Appeals, (4) Addressing Ethical Challenges in TRHT Fundraising; and (5) Applying the Principles of Good Stewardship to Fundraising. This session aims to equip participants with the key knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of fundraising for TRHT Centers and/or related activities.
Target Audience: All levels of expertise
Zoom passcode (if needed): 928238
2. TRHT-Focused Campus Climate Toolkit
Tia McNair, Michele Guzman & Taylor Jackson
It is becoming commonplace for colleges and universities to conduct campus climate assessments to get a sense of the experiences, sentiments, and needs of their respective campus community, yet they are often challenged when it comes to translating the results of these assessments into informed, sustainable, and transformative change. The purpose of the Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation (TRHT) Campus Climate Assessment Toolkit is to complement existing campus climate assessment tools and to support a more in-depth and action-oriented process. Please join this workshop to learn how the toolkit is structured around six key content areas, which were informed by feedback from the campus teams involved in the toolkit development, feedback and beta-testing process.
Target Audience: Intermediate and Advanced
Zoom passcode (if needed): 110665
3. Creating a Shared Vision Between Community Engaged Learning Students and Youth by Centering the Experiences of Young People and Bringing About Transformative Change
Eric Ford
Based on the more than a 30-year history of Shiver Center at UMBC, participants will learn how to community engaged learning staff prepare students and AmeriCorps members to create authentic partnerships with community youth. This session will have two components: 1) an introduction to how students and AmeriCorps members are provided an equity lens through the use of training and development of effective competencies and 2) how they use this lens to foster youth agency and positive transformation through hundreds of everyday rhetorical interactions.
Target Audience: All levels of expertise
Zoom passcode (if needed): 600309
4. Introducing the TRHT Framework and Cultivating an Inclusive Teaching & Learning Community through Racial Healing & Relationship Building
Leslie C. Lewis and Jayne O. Ifekwunigwe
This immersive workshop presented by the Duke TRHT Center focuses on the TRHT Framework’s area of Racial Healing & Relationship Building. Introducing a dynamic teaching model that combines experiential learning with holistic understanding. Participants will engage in activities that enhance empathy and perspective-taking, fostering an inclusive learning environment where all voices are seen, heard, and understood. Through personal storytelling and active listening, we will explore strategies for cultivating a transformative teaching and learning community. This workshop aims to empower educators and students to embrace the interconnectedness of the TRHT components, leading to profound and lasting educational experiences.
Target Audience: All levels of expertise
Zoom passcode (if needed): 190849
5. Developing Cultural Humility: Identifying Our Challenges and Cultivating better Connections
Yerodin Lucas
This workshop offers an in-depth exploration of cultural humility, focusing on lifelong learning, critical self-reflection, challenging power imbalances, and ensuring institutional accountability. Through the TRHT process, participants will learn to develop a more inclusive awareness and understanding of cultural differences, addressing the challenges that arise from implicit bias. The session also will cover strategies for recognizing and mitigating microaggressions, ultimately enhancing our interactions with students and colleagues. By understanding and applying these principles, participants will be better equipped to meet the diverse needs of the multicultural communities they serve.
Target Audience: All levels of expertise
Zoom passcode (if needed): 131697
6. Integrating TRHT institutional strategic planning
Kaiwipuni Lipe
The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa is in its 7th year as a TRHT Campus Center and has integrated the TRHT framework into the campus strategic plan, laying the foundation for a campus-wide scaling of their work. The TRHT framework is being used to reflect on the wisdom of the deeply rooted Indigenous and place-based knowledges, practices, and values that now guide the campus via the strategic plan. In this process, the community had to find strategies to communicate this Indigenous wisdom in ways that could be received by a predominantly non-Indigenous institution. Thus, this workshop will provide participants of intermediate and advanced understanding the opportunity to listen to some of the stories and journey of UH Mānoa while also engaging in a process that will allow them to reflect and imagine various possible scenarios that they might choose to further explore at their own institutions for their own planning purposes.
Target Audience: All levels of expertise
Zoom passcode (if needed): 216653
7. Integrating TRHT in Service Learning
Creston Lynch
The TRHT Campus Center at George Mason has implemented a series of service-learning programs that apply the TRHT framework. The workshop will serve as a guide to new and aspiring TRHT Campus Centers on ways in which one can leverage collaborative relationships to integrate TRHT Frameworks into the curriculum. The workshop will feature multiple practical applications of the TRHT Framework into curricula through collaborations between student affairs and academic departments, with an emphasis on experiential learning and student development, students are able to experience narrative change and relationship building.
Target Audience: Beginner and Intermediate
Zoom passcode (if needed): 749794